Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Let's see if I can catch up, now that I have caught my breathezzzzz.............. Ananda's journey to the Winter of the Wierd...

So I left on January 18th for my first whole week-ish vacation (sanz pups and with travel) in more than 5/6 years.............  AND....

Well, that Jan. vacation didn't go as planned &  turned into sick leave instead of recreartionaling.

The nasty resppie virus going around our area took hold of my asthma and wrangled the poo out of it.

With my underlying asthma and autoimmune stuff, AND having been off nearly all my asthma and usual medications to do my every ten or twenty year recheck for allergies, blood work and all the things in December (I was trying to get all the good testing and stuff done before my insurance changed in January)

SO just before I left for vacation 

I did all the good patient things and all the testings and the lowest levels of meds and then we had the nasty-est since swine flue virus commus through-us area-us and popped in to see my asthma doc and get all the meds. IF I have to have a cold bug - at least I am on a scenic vacation whilst I do.

AND... the insurance and costco and doctor combined somehow managed to get me the wrong medicine at the wrong dosage and I wound up with unexpected medicine create cushings, edema and other side effects.... heart stuff, skin stuff, not able to sleep stuff and putting on enough water weight that same clothes I have packed for snow vacations for literally decades fit the day we got in the car and the next day did not - stretch marks no extra charge. I literally had to buy new clothing.

We figured out the medication glitch and changed that medication, but a second medication had switched brands and while we realized that in an attempt to save money the costco had done a less quantity of vials, more concentrated nebulizer fluid (thus the flight or flight and heart racing) the brand of oral steroids had changed... and what I thought were 10 mgs were 20..... thus the steroid sickness and swelling. I didn't read the label - usually white ones are 10 and pink ones are 20 so was taking double that, and essentially quadruple the breathing inny make lungs open.

Getting home and tapering off those medications, usually not a problem .... this volume and dosage was. Also, I was unable to walk which as everyone who know me knows I don't miss my 3-6 miles a day walking... but this bug settled into the lungs even with 3 antibios - to the point of having to wrap my rib cage and get codeine for the coughing to give me a little bit of a break.... so no solid and so no walking, and all the swelling and the  eating to settle the meds.... left me feeling not my chipper self. Nathan (primary partner) came down sick at the same time and so tween no sleep due to steroids and all the puppers we did not get much rest and had the dooziest of the time getting over this bug.

 I have never missed this much work in my entire life - and I have been working since I was 15. I haven't ever been so sick tween medicines and the bug itself that I literally couldn't get to my computer and sit up long enough to communicate to people.

I have had asthma and auto-immune things since my early 20s  and in over 25 years have never had anything hit me like this.

While we were in lovely Winthrop with all the stunning snow that we thought we would play in we took a few steps out of the car to see if we could do a gentle walk even with little air and I broke through the snow to my knee on my left side..... which at the time, on ridiculous amounts of prednisone I didn't feel...... the leg was however, very badly sprained, purple to the knee, swollen ....

Once home and back to doctors to fine tune meds and add antibiotic to see  if can get better faster they change the nebulizer fluidee type again and gave me help  calm down meds in different dosage.... and in sleepy state, I managed to create just a little brush fire in the house..... A little spilled rubbing alchool too close to the wood stove, down the woodo stove pipe - flash bang to the face and hair (all stil here) and managed to catch two dog crates on fire  (one eithe side of the wood stove)  I managed to throw one dog crate (80 lb pupper and all down the front stairs into the snow-ish) and get the other pup out of her crate with no dogs injured.... and on all the medication not feeling the burns on my hands (strangly enough in the shape of metal dog crates)

All of this at once, and then Feb 20th I tripped over one of my older puppy girls Ms. Chinook at 16+ .... not sure which one of us took longer to stand up but it knocked the wind out of me, Nathan was in the house a-bed while I was letting pups out in the morning and so I got back up and kept moving....

On the foot that was/is broken .... sigh.

SO now, I get to see an ortho doc, am not supposed to walk-on that foot, it's the other that was damaged in the snow and is sprained..... so I can't get into work unless I learn to teleport or for a few more days until they get this right one stabilized.

Again, with the not walk - the walking is what helps me get through the after effects of the prednisone and back to feeling myself.

Right now, I am on doctors orders to a -bed (not the playful type) through end of this weekend, recheck on Monday and then hopefully be released to play and frolic again. If not, one more week after and then I can come back even if it means wearing knee-pads... (hmm) to crawl up the stairs I mean .....

BUT the good news is now that those crazy making awake all nite but too groggy to focus on the screen meds are cleared and away I can Write again and catch up with people. My lungs are clear and good, my energy level is recoverying, by next week I will be my normal catch me if you can energy level, I just gotta get at least one of these legs to work well enough to get me up the stairs and get some muscle tone back.

Right now, I am definitely more cushy and cuddly than panther lean but that can be had fun with.

So I will be doing my best to catch up on all the REALLY late emails, screening requests and wonderfully compassionate texts, emails and get wells I have received.

AND my goal is to be back in studio by March 14th or March 21st at my regular times able to do all the fun and playful and tlc Ananda things.