Friday, September 30, 2016

Words of Encouragement... From People who Read My Words........

Words of Encouragement... From People who Read My Words........ 
 Why  we sing for others:  TO MAKE SOMEONE FEEL LESS ALONE. Perhaps that is something you would share with your colleagues as it most certainly applies. There are times in life when one feels alone even when in the midst of people. Sometime even among those for whom we care.    Remember, only the lead dog has a changing view. Keep mushing Hon! 

Here are some of the most validating and sustaining words written to me after my blog on current politics around my avocation. Sometimes, words are enough to keep a person going. These are just as profound as the ones I found myself writing and an important piece of the picture as a whole....

Sweet Ananda,

I feel your angst and pain, and outright disgust of certain 'official' entities in their complicity in the very sad and tragic results of their misguided and cruel actions! ! !

(*) also sent me a link to the eye-opening article awhile back. While I haven't checked, I wonder if Ms. Nolan Brown's bold and powerful article has ever been picked up and reprinted in the Stranger, or even the Weekly  -  and if not  -  why not?

Your thoughtful cry and heartfelt blog truly hits me right in the gut. I can understand the torment and distress you so acutely express concerning this sudden incursion upon your personal life, with its serious disruption of the manner of a life culture you have successively built for a decade, and even ramifications of potential pejorative exposure of yourself to this same fallacious and injudicious attitude currently at large!

I am so sorry.  I can't blame you for your uncertainties and even contemplation of withdrawing from this viable community we share, even temporarily, to minimize whatever risks that might yet come down the road. I can understand completely that such might be your decision at this time Thank you for sharing the link and your fervent communiqué with me. I am honored and grateful to you for including me in your online missives.

Take care. You know that you have a personal community of family that loves and supports you in this time of uncertainties. Perhaps know also that I, among many others of the TRB tribe, do also.

Wonderful Ananda,

I just wanted you to know how much I, and so many others, care and understand the justifiably mixed emotions that you so eloquently expressed in your fervent blog. You must have spent major time in creating and writing out those meaningful words. I also know that you spoke so very relevantly for so many ladies of this vital community that are in the same situation and sentiment. Thank you for that.

Hmmm. My own missive was intended as response to your very personal entreaty. I suppose I am flattered that you might want to share parts of it. I trust in your considerable composing and writing skills if you think such might add in letting other affected parties know of the extended empathy that so many of us desire to proffer to all involved in this unnecessary quandary!.

Thanks to you also for the 'backdoor' to your web page you kindly re-supplied to me. It is so good to be able to view your delectable content again. Now, I can again, make connection to you safely via your encrypted website. Much love and support to you as you sort out these difficulties.

My Dearest Ananda:  I owe you an apology. I got to reading the very disturbing article and it caused me to delay my intended response to our session. First let me say that it was one of the great experiences of my lifetime. Second, I am both honored and flattered that you would invite me to participate with you. The extended physical, loving, almost spiritual intensity was sublime but also, in the end exhausting. I can't help but think that it must take a toll on you. Anyway, you have my total gratitude for having opened this doorway for me.
       The article really pisses me off. When the established peacekeepers start acting on their own moral judgements we are all in trouble. It reminds me a little of the " satanic cults " back in the 70's. At that time a lot of prosecutors and police officers fervently believed these were widespread and at times practicing " devil worship " and human sacrifice. It was all B.S. but they ruined a lot of people's lives before they were through.  With Love and Admiration,   

Dearest Ananda:  The current witch hunt is more difficult. It seems to me that this is basically a political problem. The current establishment views the way to maintain their power is to appear hard and decisive on issues that " should " be of great concern to the general public. These issue range from political correctness to dope to prostitution to worker exploitation and on and on. The fact that the general public is generally ambivalent ( live and let live ) is of no consequence. It seems to me that the country is hungry for a change in the political climate. The  choices this election underscore the desperate nature of this collective attitude. My personal solution is the Libertarian Party. ( Check out their position on Prostitution. ) It has taken the country years and years to finally come around to the Libertarian common sense view on drugs. They do have some goofy ideas but so do I.  If I were sex worker, or a customer, I would actively support Libertarian candidates at every level of public office. I realize that this is a simplistic solution to a complex problem but will serve for discussion purposes and it is my feeling that actually doing something which you consider the right thing is far better than doing nothing.          Remember, you are a wonderful woman who has created a lot of joy and are deeply appreciated.  With Much Love,

Dearest Ananda:   Perhaps the Libertarian solution is too long term. What sex workers need is a political advocate. The LGBT community has been very successful at this approach. Of course having a gay mayor doesn't hurt. It seems to me that Seattle is very fertile ground for thrusts that are a little beyond the mainstream. If I were advocating on behalf of sex workers I  would          completely leave out any aspect of morality and focus entirely on " health and safety " issues. The industry exists, it has for thousands of years and will continue for thousands more. The vast majority of sex workers have chosen the profession voluntarily. They work hard are skilled and pay taxes. They deserve to have a safe working environment as much as any other worker in our society. It serves no purpose to persecute them.    All it would take for a start is one person, preferably female, in a politically influential position to quietly argue the case. The initial goal would be to rein in the zeal with which the prosecutors and police pursue their sting operations. These always create more harm than good and are basically just ego trips for the authorities ( talk about toxic masculinity). These are my latest thoughts on the issue for what they are worth. An analogy, I don't worry much about the golf industry but worry a lot about how I hit the ball.