Its time for Cabin Fever Snuggly Warm Moments by the fire with me in my South Hill Studio
My web-site is undergoing a major overhaul and security upgrades and will be live again very soon with more goodies.
I am Still here and I have appointments available all next week starting Monday and throughout next week.
My detailed blog has moved into the web-site for screened and repeat guests, as well as my galleries, full detailed menu and lots of other goodies.
For now, email me and I will make sure that if we have met before I can get you in the "backdoor" to my site.
Who am I?
I am 45 & vibrantly healthy & alive in my body.
I am not ageless but I am timeless and I keep getting better with the passing years... really.
My eyes are a blue that will look right into YOU and see what you want and need.
My skin ranges from translucent alabaster to a golden tan.
My hair is currently a dark golden blond with shoulder length, touchable ringlets.
I am 5'9" with a lovely hip/waist differential (hourglass) and very happy, friendly 34B breasts with reactive and perky personality.
I am built for curves and comfort - "3 bears" style - not tooo soft, not too firm but JUSSST right. My weight ranges from 140-145. I am slender and fit.
I am often referred to as sensual, feline, fertile, womanly and generally sexy.
Ananda's Current Availability:
Tuesday 1/19/2016 noon-1:30, 5-6:30
Wednesday 1/20/2016 booked wait listed
Thursday 1/21/2016 booked - wait list
Friday 1/22/2016 noon-3:30
Upcoming Saturdays: 1/30/2016, 2/6/2016, 2/13/2016
Screening Required Donations for Time:
Studio Sessions Rates
$300 60 minutes
$450 90 minutes
$550 120 minutes
$600 2.5 hours
Inquire for longer session times.
Half hour non studio meet and greet ($50 for non-line screening option)
Standard, on line screening is complimentary.